
h/s goes somewhere
Sample Sentences
dawéwgëmgok nwi zhya - i will go to the store
zibik wgi zhyék ėwi gwdëmonawat ni wasiyen – they went to the river to fish for bullheads
gnébetth wi zhyéwak zhi Rhinelander wshkédėtpesen ėwi gishpnédot – maybe h/s went to Rhinelander to buy new tires
nétëm Kansas zhyéwak ithë miné myéwgonak wwi zhyé - 1st h/s is going to Kansas then h/s will go to New Mexico
dawéwgëmgok wgi zhyéwak wgi kedo – h/s told me that he went to the store / h/s said he went to the store
dawéwgëmgok wwi zhyéwêk gwi pa withiwak né – they are going to the store, do you want to go with them?
mtegowgëmgok nwi zhya – I will go to the log cabin
wisnёwéwgëmgok nwi zhyamen – we will go to the restaurant
zhëgwiyik zhyan gégo abnabkén – go straight ahead, dont look back!
ngodêk shna zhi Bahamas nwi zhya – one day I will go to the Bahamas