
in a good way / carefully
Sample Sentences
wéwéné shna gda mnoshë'a o – you should treat h/s good / sincerely / the right way
wéwéné shë anwé ngi dzhikas – I did good at it
wéwéné shë anwé – good
wéwéné shë nwi ktthėmokmanmotwa – I will go talk real precise english to h/s (also means gonna chew him out about something)
wéwéné gnenen – you hold this carefully!
wéwéné gnenesh o mbibis – you hold that baby carefully!
wéwéné ggi zhiwi - You did a good job
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in Potawatomi wéwéné means carefully or in a good way, in the Menominee language it means thank you

in the late 1800s there was a boarding school in Renssalear, IN in which Pokagon Band citizens & Menominee citizens were sent there. it wasnt until after that time frame that we started using wéwéné for thank you in our community