
my grandma
Sample Sentences
ngi kenomak o nokmes – my grandma taught me
nipithë gathë nkwėshkwtadwat o gokmes miné o gmeshomes – where did your grandma & grandpa meet each other?
wi o nkëwénan né ni gokmesen o gmeshomes – is your grandpa gonna go stop & pick up your grandma?
nokmes miné nmeshomes ngi bménmëgok – my grandma & grandpa took care of me (raised me)
ndédéyëm ngi bidak méskwakthimnen ga gbakw'ëk o nokmes – my dad brought me tomatoes that my grandma canned (locked up)
pedyébwenen nwi gedmëwa nokmes – I counted chairs for my grandma
thibakwé o nokmes – my grandma is cooking
ki dé ak'kwkwéna nė mshé o gokmes - did you get a chance to hug your gramma yet?
mbop ndë wshtëwa o nokmes – i'm making soup for my grandma
nyéw mëkwéy ngi byé nenmak o nokmes – my grandma came & handed me $4
winithë ni wé'okmesen – whos grandma is that?