
h/s speaks indian language
Sample Sentences
gishpen odë nsetëmék gwi neshnabémom nigan wthë igwan – if you guys understand this you guys will speak indian in the future
wėgwnithë wėthë ndo gëkéndëmen ėwi neshnabémoyen – why are you trying to learn to speak indian?
penothéyêk nwi kenomëwak ėwi neshnabémowat iwkshë wėthë ndo gëkéndëman – I want to teach kids to speak indian, thats why I'm trying to learn
gi kenomëwawan ni penothiyen ėwi neshnabémonet – they taught the kids to speak indian
nithëpi wa gwthe neshnabémyen – when will you try to speak indian?