a unit of measurement (foot, hour, meter, mile, inch)
Sample Sentences
nyéw dbë'gnék ngi doki neshthé néyap ngi në mba – I woke up at 4 but I went back to sleep
ndatso nsetth aptë dbë’gnék – its 10-1/2 o clock (10:30)
shwatso dbëgiswan dbë'gën gwi dzhikamen ėwi në byaygo zhi odanêk – it will take us 8 hours to get to town
Nnedkéndas ko shwatso dbëgnen ėtso ngot nëm’é gizhgëk – I study up to 8 hours a week
Gnëbetth wi boni ko shwatso dbëgnen – it may snow up to 8”